September to December is the “Season of Indulgence.” As a society, we quicken our pace, sleep less, indulge more in sweets, rich foods and drinks, start jobs, school, and all traditional sports for kids begin. Fairs and festivals can crowd every weekend with edible indulgences from fried Twinkies,...
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Stay Healthy This Season!
Being in touch with nature will help you and your family stay healthy this time of year.The past eight months have certainly challenged us to take a good look at our immune systems. As we enter what is often described as “flu season”, it is true we do tend to have more illnesses September through...
Dr. Lawrence B. Palevsky, M.D. was a recent guest on 'The HighWire with Del Bigtree,' a podcast tackling mainstream media topics with alternative—at times, unconventional—perspectives. During this episode, titled "U.S. Government Loses the Great Vaccine Debate" (transcribed and embedded below), the...
Choosing a Holistic Medicine Center
You should always take your health seriously. Taking the holistic path to achieve optimal health is a great way to partner in your own health care. As holistic health care becomes more widely known and appreciated, choosing a holistic medical center has become increasingly challenging. Consider the...