Wellness 365
Wellness 365 is your one-way ticket to success on your path to optimal health. The Northport Wellness Center has crafted this revolutionary program to assist you in achieving health and balance in your life and gain the skills you need to make daily, smart, life-changing decisions for your mind, body and soul.
Do you need Wellness 365? Ask yourself these ten questions:
1. Have you tried unsuccessfully to maintain a healthy nutrition and fitness plan? Do you struggle to make realistic, attainable goals?
2. When a virus is going around, does it always catch you?
3. Are you plagued with aches and pains with no diagnosed cause?
4. Do you feel tired, run-down and long for more energy to get you through the day – without that third cup of coffee?
5. Are relationship issues impacting your emotional health and daily productivity?
6. Has a lack of sleep caused you to become sluggish or moody?
7. Are you feeling lost and having difficulty deciding how or where to begin to heal emotionally or physically and regain your quality of life?
8. Has a lack of sleep caused you to become sluggish or moody?
9. Are you feeling lost and having difficulty deciding how or where to begin to heal emotionally or physically and regain your quality of life?
10. Do you lack motivation and inspiration to help you get on track?
If you have answered, “Yes!” to any one of these questions, chances are you need a reboot. You need Wellness 365.
Wellness 365 is completely customizable to meet your individual needs and goals. The Northport Wellness Center has researched and partnered with practitioners and like-minded organizations that we are confident can help you to achieve optimal health and wellness 365 days of the year.
Wellness 365 offers the following opportunities to help you achieve 365 days of optimal health:
- Chiropractic
- Acupuncture
- Nutrition
- Skin Care
- Physical Therapy
- Social Work
- Neurofeedback
- Physiatry
- Yoga / Meditation
- Computer Regulation Thermography
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
The best part about Wellness 365 is that it is an evolving journey of education, self-discovery, practice and healing. You can make the choice on any day to be kind to yourself by learning and implementing strategies to enhance your overall health, feel good about yourself and enjoy the life you desire and deserve.
Do you want to learn more about Wellness 365? Contact the Northport Wellness Center today!