September to December is the “Season of Indulgence.” As a society, we quicken our pace, sleep less, indulge more in sweets, rich foods and drinks, start jobs, school, and all traditional sports for kids begin. Fairs and festivals can crowd every weekend with edible indulgences from fried Twinkies,...
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In the dynamic world of youth sports, injuries and concussions are unfortunately common. The Northport Wellness Center is dedicated to providing innovative and effective treatments to assist young athletes in recovering and thriving from injuries and concussions so that they can enjoy a greater...
Stay Healthy This Season!
Being in touch with nature will help you and your family stay healthy this time of year.The past eight months have certainly challenged us to take a good look at our immune systems. As we enter what is often described as “flu season”, it is true we do tend to have more illnesses September through...
How to Reap the Benefits of a Natural Detox
Nowadays, it’s easy to come into contact with environmental toxins, unhealthy and processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, drugs, and stress. No matter how healthy your lifestyle, such external factors will always be around. Luckily, your body is continuously working to dispel these toxins, and you can...