Northport Wellness Center Alliance Member, Dr. Christian Bogner is a fully Certified Functional Medicine Physician with additional Board Certification in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Bogner specializes in the field of genetic-specific nutrition, stress reduction, detoxification and education.
Dr. Bogner utilizes a personalized health care approach for his patients. Depending on individual patient’s needs and health care goals, he incorporates medical treatment, various diagnostic and therapeutic technologies with a heavy emphasis on genetic SNP analysis.
Dr. Bogner serves as a clinical consultant for MaxGen Labs, LLC, a nutrigenomics lab analyzing genetic data, utilized by over 800 practitioners around the world. He has lectured throughout the United States and abroad regarding integrative approaches to disease with a focus on genetics, neurotransmitters and toxicities.
Dr. Bogner received his Plant-Based-Nutrition Certification from Cornell University. He runs a practice in Michigan and consults with patients worldwide to discuss their concerns and lay out a personalized functional path to reach their genetic potential.
To learn more about how functional medicine can assist you in healing and recovery, contact Dr. Bogner by email at, by fax at 866-465-1916 or visit