ABA Early Intervention Services for Autism

Posted on April 21, 2023 in


, by Kimberly Canino, New York State Licensed Behavior Analyst (LBA), Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)



When faced with a diagnosis of Autism, many parents don’t know where to turn for support, services and help for their children.  With an industry flooded with various types of therapies and avenues of treatment decisions can be challenging and overwhelming. 

While there are many unknowns in the world of Autism, one thing we do know is that Applied Behavior Analysis (aka ABA) is known to be the best treatment for symptoms of Autism. These research based strategies can increase language, decrease maladaptive behaviors and improve clients overall quality of life. 

When most people look up Applied Behavior Analysis online their searches result in thousands of articles, pros and cons, success stories and horror stories.  This often leaves parents feeling lost as to whether or not these services will benefit their children.  What is often left out of many of these searches is that Applied Behavior Analysis is simply a science that explain the way we all learn.  It explains why behaviors maintain in certain conditions or why acquiring certain skills can be a challenge.  

When we take what we know about ABA, and apply it to what we know about the disability of Autism it opens a window into teaching individuals in ways different a bit than traditional education interventions (which are also types of ABA too).  These ways are specific, detailed and data drives our decisions on how to accelerate progress.

When using ABA trained practitioners analyze the behaviors of clients and the environment they function in.  They look to use positive reinforcement to improve skills as simple identifying a picture to ones as complex as engaging in an appropriate social conversation.  Practitioners spend time analyzing the environment where maladaptive behaviors occur to better understand the function they serve the client.  Then select replacement skills to teach them so these socially interfering behaviors decrease.  

Whether your child is struggling with speaking, making friends or has challenging behaviors ABA sessions can help improve their quality of life.  With the unfortunate rise in Autism rates, some reports indicating 1 in 36 children being diagnosed, ABA early intervention is the best way to combat some of the challenges our children with Autism might face. 

*ABA services are typically covered by most major health insurance companies. Please contact specific provider for further clarification,

About the Author KIMBERLY
Kimberly Canino is a New York State Licensed Behavior Analyst (LBA) and Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) with a Master's Degree in Special Education. She completed her post graduate certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis at the University of North Texas in 2012.
Kimberly has over 10 years of practical experience in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis. She specializes in working with individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families. Kimberly’s company, the Children’s Achievement Network, strives to provide comprehensive ABA therapy at their clinic, in your home or the community.
Therapy sessions focus on fostering new skills and decreasing behaviors that can interfere with learning or cause harm. For more information, contact Kimberly at krc.bcba@gmail.com or (516) 220-1049.


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